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Re: Ted's LightSpace CMS Calibration Disk

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 10:03 pm
by realzven

Re: Ted's LightSpace CMS Calibration Disk

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 10:04 pm
by realzven

Re: Ted's LightSpace CMS Calibration Disk

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 10:04 pm
by realzven

Re: Ted's LightSpace CMS Calibration Disk

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 10:05 pm
by realzven

Re: Ted's LightSpace CMS Calibration Disk

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 10:05 pm
by realzven

Re: Ted's LightSpace CMS Calibration Disk

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 10:07 pm
by realzven
Retour d'alex_t sur hcfr

alex_t, le 02 Nov 2013 9:52 a écrit:

Bonjour à tous.

Demande à un modérateur : est-il possible de faire un topic dédié à ce disque de calibration en reprenant les messages de realzven et les miens ? Ce disque est tellement complet qu'il mérite vraiment son propre topic.

Depuis quelques jours j'utilise donc le disque de Ted pour les fonctions de base (lumières, contraste, sharpness, etc). Les mires sont excellentes mais surtout la navigation dans le disque est remarquable. Les fonctions TOP MENU et POP-UP MENU sont prises en compte. TOP MENU renvoie au menu racine et POP-UP MENU permet via une liste déroulante de choisir pour la section en cours le chapitre vers lequel on souhaite aller.

En fait la construction du site de TED reflète tout à fait l'ergonomie de navigation de son disque.

Re: Ted's LightSpace CMS Calibration Disk

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 10:07 pm
by alex_t
Merci pour cette initiative ;)

Re: Ted's LightSpace CMS Calibration Disk

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 10:09 pm
by realzven
CR du disque de TED sur AVS Forum :
Carbon Ft Print sur AVS Forum wrote:
JJ's Review of Ted’s Cal Disk :

I luv Ted’s LUT CMS Cal Disk! It represents the first steps into a new world of LUT calibration for Home Cinema/Theater with Light Space (LS). Two words describe Ted’s innovative product: Simple and Complete.

1.Simple: 4 Steps:
a.Measure your probe’s max delay time;
b.Set your patch color read interval (DIP);
c.Start the profile run;
d.Verify the calibration LUT and watch a blu ray movie.

2.Complete: Ted’s LUT Cal Disk:
a.Calibrates the complete video signal path from the Blu Ray Player through to the Display Device;
b.Provides a complete set of Patch Colors and visual Reference Images for pre-calibration display and meter/probe set up, the Light Space LUT profile run and verifying the Calibration LUT. The flow of Ted’s main menu (left to right) reflects this workflow order:
i.Pre-Calibration Tools: Ted’s Ref Images for Pre-Calibration Display and Meter/Probe Setup;
ii.Display Characterization: Ted’s 4,934 Patch Colors (max) used for the Profile Run (i.e. Light Space’s Unique “Calibration” Run);
iii.Color Reproduction: Ted’s Reference Images used for visually Verifying the Calibration LUT by examining Reference Image through (eeColor's) LUT onto the display;
iv.Verify Calibration Tools: Ted’s 4,934 Color Patches (max) used to Verify the Calibration LUT via Light Space’s 3D Modeling Tool and traditionally through Chromapure and CalMAN.

Note: As with other Calibration Disks, you’ll need your own flesh tone images for verification.

I use Light Space with eeColor to calibrate my TVs and Epson Projectors. I’ve seen gamma “quirks” introduced by my OPPO 95 blu ray player which only Light Space can correct (i.e. OPPO does not have sophisticated gamma controls) … so Ted’s LUT Cal Disk is absolutely needed.

So, what's Light Space? These are my thoughts and my own words to describe the value of Light Space LUT CMS Calibration Program based on hundreds of profile runs I’ve performed at home with a K10A and PR-670 meters:

5 Ways to Improve the Picture with LS: Light Space can improve one's picture in 5 different ways (see 1 through 5 below). The first 2 are common with many calibration programs. The last 3 are what gives Light Space its WOW factor. I’ve provided links to the Light Space website for further information. This is what I read to learn Light Space Calibration Fundamentals. If I can do it, you can do it :

1.Display Setup: ;
2.Probe/Integration: ;
3.LS Profile Math: See below for my explanation ;
4.Eye/Visual Feedback for Post Calibration LUT modification (i.e., correcting grn hues in the gray scale shadows). Search for the word "Filters" twice. It's the second one: ;
5.Source (e.g. Blu Ray Movies) modification with Photoshop: .

Light Space's WOW Factors: Of the 3 WOW factors, (3, 4, and 5 above), LS Profiling Math is the dominate factor for calibration. The other 2 factors (4 and 5) are used after the Calibration LUT has been created so one can make visual “tweaks” (minor changes) to the Calibration LUT. All 5 factors collectively have given me a better picture than any other calibration program I’ve used on the market.

Light Space’s “3D Profiling Math”: is a major differentiating quality factor. LS’s mathematical profiling dramatically increases the precision, range and speed of each color adjustment beyond anything the display or any other calibration software package is capable of doing. Speed, Range and Precision are the cornerstones for accurate display adjustments.

1.Range: can be explained as LS's ability to leverage the display’s oversaturated native gamut to mathematically fine tune the accuracy of the targeted gamut (rec709) … especially at the outside walls of the LUT. One could talk about “meat on the bone” here. The LUT walls are the extreme regions of color space which are most prone to error because this is where a display’s design limitations will be encountered.

2.Precision and Speed: can be explained as a one-two combination of high speed (need a K10A) hard reads (4,913) and LS profiling math that takes into account the display’s design limitations in technology, gamma, color temperature, RGB separation and gamut when adjusting colors. The precision and accuracy of 4,913 hard reads for a 17^3 LUT, when coupled with LS math, will produce over 32,000 accurate color control points for a display. From here, one can analyze and fine tune the display’s 3D color accuracy with diagnostic and modification tools within LS. When eeColor image processor is added to the math, the precision is increased by LS to over 274,000 accurate color control points. These 274,000 accurate color points will control the accuracy of 16.77 million colors for an 8 bit color depth display. LS’s increased range and precision of over 32,000 color control points affects the color adjustment of each of the mini3's 125 control points. The fact the LS is fast allows a professional calibrator to run a 4,913 point calibration (33min) with mods and verification within 1 hour (need K10A). If you use Ted’s LUT CMS Calibration Disk, the total time to collectively generate a calibration LUT(1hr 22min), create mods and perform verification is roughly 1.87 hrs. I would go as far as claiming LS’s range and precision adjustments have produced near perfect shadow grays for my Sony TVs and Epson Projectors where shadow grays are really gray … not grays with slight blue or green or red discoloration. Note: Both THX and ISF classes teach the students to bump Blu Offset a couple of clicks as part of the post calibration workflow to get rid of green!

Item 4, LS Internal LUT Modification Tools: In terms of modifying an existing Calibration LUT, there are 2 sets of tools one can use, for 2 different reasons. Item 4 use LS Filter tools for modifying the gray scale line, particularly in the shadows ... in 3 Dimensions! Visualize the 4,913 LUT cube and a gray scale line extending from the black corner to white corner (it’s a diagonal line going through the middle of the 3D LUT). Light Space provides modification Filter tools that can help keep the gray scale line … gray. The modification tools "tweak" the color and luminance anomalies of the gray scale line and controls the extent to which near by colors are affected by the modification (in 3 dimensions) through range (Low, High), blend and radius settings. I use Relax 0.04, Axis Blend and Smooth Filters, at times. I've had Calibration LUTs where no mods were needed ... but I use Relax at 4% all the time just to be safe. Note: I use mods to imply use of Filters or mods through Photoshop. Generically, they are called mods.

Item 5, LS LUT Modification through Photoshop: permits Photoshop to be used to modify a picture that is imbedded in a Calibration LUT. When you change the picture using Photoshop tools, it automatically changes the Calibration LUT. I’ve done a number of mods for movies. Each Photoshop mod is unique to a specific movie. Not all movies need mods. Not all movies can be mod’d because one has to find ways to limit the extent of the mod to avoid “unintended consequences” in all the scenes. I’ve used Light Space and Photoshop to successfully do this and the changes were noticeable.

The Future of Home Cinema Calibration: The mere existence of both Light Space modification tools (4 and 5) suggests to me that the future of Home Cinema calibration will extend into 3 Dimensional modification of the Calibration LUT and of Source Content, such as Blu Ray movies. My most complicated Blu Ray movie mod took me 2 months to do and resulted in lifting an image of a near invisible space ship without affecting the rest of the “Prometheus” movie.

Wrap Up: So, please consider Ted’s LUT CMS Calibration Disk. It’s very good. Also, consider Light Space (they have 2 offerings for Home Cinema) and eeColor box (or a radiance box if you already have one) as an investment for the future, the future of LUT calibration in Home Cinema. IMHO, Light Space is leading this effort and is, pardon the pun, light years ahead of the competition.

Kind Regards,


P.S. If you're interest in a consolidated explanation of how to use Light Space:

Edited by Carbon Ft Print - Today at 12:00 pm

Re: Ted's LightSpace CMS Calibration Disk

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 10:11 pm
by realzven
alex_t wrote:Merci pour cette initiative ;)
;) , sinon tu a pu creuser encore le disque ?

Re: Ted's LightSpace CMS Calibration Disk

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 10:12 pm
by realzven
un autre CR sur ... t_23924609
I had some time to explore the complete disc. It's really an awsome bunge of calibration and verification pattern that I never found on any other disc.
Also I'd run a quick profile with LighSpace DPS and Ted's disc to verify my TV's calibration done with a Radiance as generator and Calman 5.1 with C6 meter. The disc synced perfect with LightSpace.

For that value of money Ted's disc is clearly the best on the market and a must have for every calibrator or enthusiast.

Thank's Ted for Your great work !